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Alice Hoang

An Author's Journey

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Hello and welcome! It's my first blog post ever for my website! I thought about making it closer to the date of my book release, or the day of its release, but as it turns out…the exact publication date is still unknown, for reasons that are out of my control. If there's something that 2021 has taught me, it’s to have patience and to detach from the outcome (not the easiest of things to do for someone who likes to be in control). Surely we’ve all heard of the phrase, “Let it go,” a rather subjective and multilayered one. For me, it has meant to surrender and embrace the uncertainty, as things are woven into place. And that concept really was one that helped me get through a lot in the recent past. While I have been eager to add a blog to my website, I suppose I also lacked the motivation and enthusiasm to do so as I wanted to wait for “the right time.” But as they also say, “If you wait for when you’re ready, you’ll be waiting forever.” Making a decision in any given situation is really about trusting your gut instincts and using your own discernment. I had already started building this website since last year with its conception being in 2020, so I’m thinking, let’s get this ball rolling now! It has been a long-enough-time coming…and I am one above overdue.

So I guess I’m writing this post to share the ebb and flow that has been the process of creating my book, as I want everyone to know that sometimes detours are a necessary part of the journey and can very much be blessings in disguise. And perhaps doing so with the selfish motive of pumping myself up for when my book is published and giving my neurotic self the peace of mind that everything will work as long as I keep going and trust the process. A bit of a manifestation practice, if you will. But really, as with anything that I put out, I hope that it resonates with someone on some level and that people can take something positive from it.

The Wishing Flower has been a passion project of mine and nearly two years in the making. However, it has been one in the drawer for a good part of my life before I found the courage and inspiration to get it out into the world. And in a world that is hyper focused on progress, the periods of stagnancy and what felt like steps backward, were in actuality crucial to this creation in all that it is today. I've learned to embrace the lulls and the unknowns, and trust that everything happens in the right time. And so, I kept pursuing the endeavour that was calling to my heart.

What started out as a seedling in my imagination grew into so much more than I had anticipated. Along the way, I've met an array amazing people from all over the world, learned hard lessons, acquired new knowledge and skills, used formerly gained skills that I didn't think I would make use of again, found value in soul connections, all of which have contributed to the making of my book—thanks to a community of individuals who care about what I'm doing.

As I’ve been told, I've discovered hidden gems that are only found when you meander from your path and surrender to the bend and divine detours. When the curve calls you to take a rest, and you do so with grace and mindfulness, you'll likely notice and appreciate things that you never would have if everything went according to your (ego's) plan. I had been guided to listen to my intuition, walk widdershins, and seek the land under the hill. And I am grateful for every step and encounter.

Like planting and growing a seed that will turn into something fruitful, hard work requires patience. The two must co-exist, and, to reiterate, that has been a major lesson for me this past year. Writing and creating a book has been a dream-come-true of an experience and a memorable journey to say the least. Now we’re nearly there! Despite the delays, the book's publication is still set for this month and I’m excited to share more with you all very soon. This is only the beginning, as I’m a believer in doing what speaks to your soul and makes you happy—and learning, creating, and teaching are things that bring me joy like no other.

Thank you for reading!

Much Love & Light,

:) Alice


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